【22 | アクションテキスト(ActionText)】 << 【ホーム】 >> 【24 | プロジェクトの登録】
Ruby on Railsのコントローラー(Controller)は、MVC(Model-View-Controller)アーキテクチャの一部です。
Ruby on Railsのコントローラーは一般的にアプリケーション内でルーティングと結びつき、HTTPリクエストに応じて特定のコントローラーアクションが呼び出されます。
rails g controller Projects index new show create naming pricing description photo_upload update
class ProjectsController < ApplicationController before_action :authenticate_user!, except: [:show] before_action :set_project, except: [:new, :create, :show, :index] def index @projects = Project.all end def new @project = current_user.projects.build end def create @project = current_user.projects.build(project_params) if @project.save redirect_to naming_project_path(@project), notice: "保存しました" else redirect_to request.referrer, flash: { error: @project.errors.full_messages } end end def update new_params = project_params if @project.update(new_params) flash[:notice] = "保存しました。" else flash[:alert] = "問題が発生しました。" end redirect_back(fallback_location: request.referer) end def show @project = Project.find(params[:id]) @tasks = @project.tasks.order(:tag) @i = 0 @images = @project.images end def edit @project = Project.find(params[:id]) @tasks = @project.tasks.order(:tag) end def upload_photo end def delete_photo end private def set_project @project = Project.find(params[:id]) end def project_params params.require(:project).permit(:name, :content, :price, :description, :images, :active) end end
rails g controller Tasks index new show create naming description update
class TasksController < ApplicationController before_action :set_task, except: [:index, :new, :create, :show] before_action :authenticate_user!, except: [:show] def index project = Project.find(params[:project_id]) @tasks = project.tasks.order(:tag) end def new @task = Task.new @projects = Project.all end def show project = Project.find(params[:project_id]) @tasks = project.tasks.order(:tag) @task = Task.find(params[:id]) end def create @task = Task.new(task_params) if @task.save redirect_to naming_task_path(@task), notice: "保存しました。" else redirect_to request.referrer, flash: { error: @task.errors.full_messages } end end def naming end def description end def video @projects = Project.all end def update new_params = task_params if @task.update(new_params) flash[:notice] = "保存しました。" else flash[:alert] = "問題が発生しました。" end redirect_back(fallback_location: request.referer) end private # コールバックを使用して、アクション間で共通のセットアップまたは制約を共有します。 def set_task @task = Task.find(params[:id]) end # 信頼できるパラメータのリストのみを許可します。 def task_params params.require(:task).permit(:title, :note, :video, :header, :description, :tag, :active, :project_id) end end
記述追加 config\routes.rb(20行目)
resources :projects do member do get 'naming' get 'pricing' get 'description' get 'photo_upload' delete :delete_photo post :upload_photo end resources :tasks, only: [:show, :index] end resources :tasks, except: [:edit] do member do get 'naming' get 'description' get 'video' get 'code' end end
Rails.application.routes.draw do # ルートを app\views\pages\home.html.erb に設定 root 'pages#home' # get get 'pages/home' get '/dashboard', to: 'users#dashboard' get '/users/:id', to: 'users#show', as: 'user' # post post '/users/edit', to: 'users#update' # device devise_for :users, path: '', path_names: {sign_up: 'register', sign_in: 'login', edit: 'profile', sign_out: 'logout'}, controllers: {omniauth_callbacks: 'omniauth_callbacks', registrations: 'registrations'} resources :projects do member do get 'naming' get 'pricing' get 'description' get 'photo_upload' delete :delete_photo post :upload_photo end resources :tasks, only: [:show, :index] end resources :tasks, except: [:edit] do member do get 'naming' get 'description' get 'video' get 'code' end end # Define your application routes per the DSL in https://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html # Reveal health status on /up that returns 200 if the app boots with no exceptions, otherwise 500. # Can be used by load balancers and uptime monitors to verify that the app is live. get "up" => "rails/health#show", as: :rails_health_check # Defines the root path route ("/") # root "posts#index" end
【22 | アクションテキスト(ActionText)】 << 【ホーム】 >> 【24 | プロジェクトの登録】